


  1. 推定量による分布の特徴づけ,数理解析研究所講究録,223, 54-61,1974.

  2. Selection of the order of an autoregressive model by Akaike's information criterion, Biometrika, 63, 117-26, 1976.

  3. Convergence of least squares estimates of autoregressive parameters. Australian Journal of Statistics, 19, 226-35, 1977.

  4. Parameter estimation of a linear process, 数理解析研究所講究録, 312, 59-77, 1977.

  5. A note on asymptotic unbiasedness of estimate, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2, 38-42, 1979.

  6. Asymptotically efficient selection of the order of the model for estimating parameters of a linear process, Annals of Statistics, 8, 147-64, 1980.

  7. Selection of the number of regression parameters in small sample cases, In Statistical Climatology; Developments in Atmospheric Sciences, 13, Eds. S.Ikeda et al., Elsevier, pp.137-48, 1980.

  8. 密度関数の推定について,数理解析研究所講究録, 480, 32-43, 1980.

  9. An optimal selection of regression variables, Biometrika, 68 45-54, 1981.

  10. An optimal autoregressive spectral estimate, Annals of Statistics, 9, 300-306, l981.

  11. Asymptotic mean efficiency of a selection of regression variables, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 35, 415-423, 1983.

  12. A theoretical view of the use of AIC, In Time Series Analysis; Theory and Practice 4, Ed. O.D. Anderson, North-Holland , pp.237-244, 1983.

  13. Approximate efficiency of a selection of the number of regression variables, Biometrika, 71, 43-49, 1984.

  14. Selection of ARMA models, In Statistical Analysis of Time Series ( Proceedings of Japan-U.S. Joint seminar), pp. 240-254, 1984.

  15. Various model selection techniques in time series analysis, In Handbook of Statistics, Vol.5, Eds. E.J.Hannan and P.R. Krishnaiah, Elsevier, pp. 179-187, 1985.

  16. モデル選択の理論,統計数理, 33, 42-47, 1985.

  17. Consistency of model selection and parameter estimation, In Essays in Time Series and Allied Processes (Special volume of J. Applied Probability, 23 A, Festschrift for Prof. E.J.Hannan ), pp. 127-141, 1986.

  18. Selection of the number of regression variables; a minimax choice of generalized FPE, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 38, 459-474, 1986.

  19. Selection of regression variables, In Encyclopedia of Statistics, Wiley, New York, vol.7, 709-714, 1986.

  20. "Electronic Journal of Data Analysis" の構想, 統計数理, 34, 81-87, 1987 ( 渋谷政昭と共著 ).

  21. Formal description of data type for statistical analysis, Proceedings of the first IASC world conference, 203-212, 1987 ( with M. Sibuya ).

  22. Statistical aspect of model selection, In From Data to Model, Ed. J.C.Willems, Springer, pp. 215-240, 1989

  23. 統計データとその属性記述の形式化,統計情報,38-6, 18-24, 1989.

  24. S言語, ソフトウェア科学, 6, 271-282, 1989 ( 渋谷政昭と共著 ).

  25. Consistency of regularization information criterion, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 328-329, 1989.

  26. アクセントは同音語をどの程度弁別しうるか —日本語・英語・中国語の場合—, 計量国語学, 17-7 1-11, 1990 ( 柴田武と共著 ).

  27. User interface provided by D&D ( Data and Description ), Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 1/21, 1-25, 1991 ( with M. Sibuya ).

  28. EJDA におけるデータ記述, 統計数理, 39, 85-96, 1991 ( 渋谷政昭と共著 ).

  29. "データ解析の電子ジャーナル(EJDA)" の実働化, 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート, 54, 1994.

  30. アクセントの同音語弁別力 —東京アクセントと大阪アクセント—, 計量国語学, 19, 277-292, 1994 ( 柴田武, 杉藤美代子,高際陸と共著 ).

  31. Weak stationarity of a time series with wavelet representation, Japan Journ. of Indust. and Appl. Math., 12, 37-46, 1995 ( with S. Kawasaki ).

  32. あるマーケティングデータのモデル化日本統計学会誌, 25, 245-260, 1995 (中園美香と共著).

  33. Bootstrap estimate of Kullback-Leibler information for model selection, Statistica Sinica, 7, 375-394, 1997.

  34. Decomposition of Japanese Yen interest rate data through local regression, Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets, 4, 125-146,1997 ( with R. Miura).

  35. Consistency of frequency estimate based on wavelet transform, J. of Time Series Analysis,18, 641-662, 1997 ( with M. Takagiwa).

  36. Statistical Model Selection Procedure in Data Modeling, Proceedings of the 31st ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 124-127, 1999.

  37. Generalized Kalman Filter When Exogenous Variables Exist, Proceedings of the 31st ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 259-263, 1999 (with A. Yagi and T. Kato).

  38. 情報量基準による統計的モデル選択,電子情報通信学会論文誌 A,J83-A, 605-611, 2000

  39. 時系列モデルと学習 -- 金融時系列を例として -- , 情報処理 42, 27-31, 2001 ( 上辻茂男と共著)

  40. インターデータベース --- DandD インスタンスのエージェント化 ---, 統計数理 49, 317-331, 2001 (横内大介と共著)

  41. Information Criteria for Statistical Model Selection, Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, Vol. 86, pp. 32-38, 2002

  42. Statistical Aspects of Instantaneous FX Bid Prices, The 3rd International Conference on Financial Engineering and Statistical Finacne, 66-73, 2003

  43. Effectiveness of Stochastic Neural Network for Prediction of Fall or Rise of TOPIX, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 10, 187-204, 2003 (With S. Kamitsuji).

  44. InterDatabase and DandD, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2004, Ed. J. Antoch, 465-475, 2004, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.

  45. DandD Client Server System, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2004, Ed. J. Antoch, 2011-2018, 2004, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (With D. Yokouchi).

  46. Partial Correlation and Conditional Correlation as Measures of Conditional Independence. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 46, 657-664, 2004 (With K. Baba and M. Sibuya).

  47. 局所回帰による時系列の分解から明らかになった野鳥羽数の環境要因変化との関連性日本統計学会誌,34, 187-207, 2005 (島津秀康と共著)

  48. Efficient Learning Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood Principle for Multilayer Feedforward Stochastic Neural Network, (to appear in Neural Processing Letters ), 2005, (With S. Kamitsuji).

  49. Multiplicative Correlations, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics , 58, 311-326, 2006, (With K. Baba).

  50. Modelling FX new bid prices as a clustered marked point process, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2006, Ed. Alfredo Rizzi and Maurizio Vichi, 1565-1572, 2006, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.

  51. Implementation of textile plot, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2006 , Ed. Alfredo Rizzi and Maurizio Vichi, 581-589, 2006, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (with N. Kumasaka).

  52. Characteristic features of Japanese women's hair with aging and with porgressing hair loss, Journal of Dermatological Science, 45, 93-103, 2007 (with M. Tajima et al.).

  53. Textile Plot 環境統計数理,55-1, 47-68, 2007(熊坂夏彦と共著)

  54. Modelling Swimmers' Speeds over the Course of a Race, Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 549-555, 2008 ( With H. Shimadzu and Y. Ohgi )

  55. High Dimensional Data Visualisation: the Textile Plot, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 3616-3644, 2008 (With N. Kumasaka)

  56. Exploration of the disease locus by a careful evaluation of the likelihood polynomial for pedigree data. Journal of Human Genetics, 56, 383-389, 2011 ( With Y. Sugaya)

  57. Detection of ecological disturbances to seabed fauna through change of weight distribution. J. Japan Statist. Soc.,42, 185-206, 2012 (With M. Naka and R. Darnell)

  58. Probability inheritance algorithm and its implementation. J. Statistical Computation and Simulation,doi: 10.1080/00949655.2014.915032, 2014 ( with Y. Sugaya).
  59. Asymptotic Distribution of Cram´er-von Mises Statistic When Contamination Exists. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 5, 90-97, 2016 , doi:10.5539/ijsp.v5n1p90 (With M. Naka)

  60. A good approximation of the Gaussian likelihood of simultaneous autoregressive model which yields us an asymptotically efficient estimate of parameters, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 173, 31-46, 2016 (With Y. Rikimaru)

  61. Non-Identifiability of Simultaneous Spatial Autoregressive Model and Singularity of Fisher Information Matrix. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 6, 31-38, 2017, doi:10.5539/ijsp.v6n4p31 (With Y. Rikimaru)



  1. 『S システム I, II』渋谷政昭と共訳,共立出版, 1987.

  2. 『統計学辞典』共編著, 東洋経済新報社,1989.

  3. 『S 言語 I, II』 渋谷政昭と共訳,共立出版,1991.

  4. 『S によるデータ解析』 渋谷政昭と共著, 共立出版,1992.

  5. 『S と統計モデル』 単訳,共立出版, 1994.

  6. 『データリテラシー』, 共立出版, 2001.

  7. 『データ分析とデータサイエンス』,近代科学社,2015

  8. 『時系列解析』, 共立出版, 2017



  1. 統計的推測方式とモデル選択,数理科学,213,pp. 45-50, 1981.

  2. 変数選択理論の現況,数学,36, pp. 344-352, 1984.

  3. データ解析言語S, bit, 17, pp. 986-994, 1985.

  4. ベル研 UNIX & S, bit, 19, pp. 1872-1883, 1987.

  5. Discussion to the paper "Rational Transfer Function Approximation" by E.J. Hannan, Statistical Science, 2, pp. 135-161, 1987.

  6. Sの概観,数値解析,24-1, 1988,(渋谷政昭と共著).

  7. S言語の誕生, bit, 21, pp. 1030-1037, 1989.

  8. Sの開くニュー・パラダイム,行動計量学,18, pp. 57-63, 1991.

  9. データサイエンスから見えるもの --自然科学から経済まで--, 日経サイエンス, 9月号, p.56, 1998.

  10. データサイエンスのすすめ, 日本統計学会誌, 30, pp. 327-332, 2000.

  11. データサイエンス:統計科学からデータの科学へ,数学セミナー, 43, pp. 18-21, 2004.

  12. リレーショナルデータベース/その基礎理論と課題,数学セミナー,43, pp. 22-27, 2004 (横内大介と共著).

  13. 統計科学からデータサイエンスへ ゑれきてる
